Beef: Round
164CH CH Rump, shank-off round
NAMP Code: round 164CH
This attractive beef round roast is used on a carving station in Country Clubs, Casinos, Cruise Ships, and buffets dedicated to this market. When prepared properly, it's valued like Prime Rib for 1/2 the price or less. Caterers or hotels can profit from this item on the right size affairs.
Sometimes referred to as a "Steamship Round" or a "Baron of Beef", this is a #160 round with the rump removed so that it has a flat sirloin surface from which to carve. The "knob" of the humorous shall be split approximately to show a flat "8" surface. The heel meat shall be trimmed so as not to hang past the knee. The commodity will have no handle. It will be cut from rounds of 90# or less and weigh no more than 55# and fit in a box 18" x 26" x 12" the size of a commercial oven. Exterior fat shall be trimmed to 1" overall with a maximum 1.5" at any one point.
This item is prepared from Item No. 181. The separation of the bottom sirloin butt is described in Item No. 181A. The boneless bottom sirloin butt consists of 3 parts. They are the tensor fasciae latae, or tri tip; the vastus medialis, vastus lateralis, and rectus femoris, or ball tip; and the obliquus abdominis internus, or flap. All bones and cartilages shall be excluded.
185 Beef Loin, Bottom Sirloin Butt, Boneless
NAMP Code: round 185
189A Beef Loin, Tenderloin, Full, Side Muscle On, Defatted
NAMP Code: round 189A
This item is as described in Item No. 189, except the entire tenderloin shall be practically free of surface and wing fat. Wing fat is the fat lying between the main body of the tenderloin and the iliacus muscle, or wing, as it is often called.
This item is as described in Item No. 189A, except the side muscle, or psoas minor, shall be excluded. The principal membranous tissue over the main body of the tenderloin, or psoas major, shall remain intact.
190 Beef Loin, Tenderloin, Full, Side Muscle Off, Defatted
NAMP Code: round 190
191 Beef Loin, Tenderloin, Butt
NAMP Code: round 191
This item shall consist of the sirloin butt portion of the tenderloin. The sirloin, or butt end, shall expose the psoas major, psoas minor, iliacus, and if present, the sartorius. Further, the obliquus abdominis internus, or flap, if also present, shall be trimmed level with the fat surface. The anterior, or short loin, end shall be exposed by a straight cut that displays the psoas major and the psoas minor muscles no further along the length of the tenderloin than 0.5 inch (13 mm) inch beyond the iliacus. The surface fat shall be trimmed so as not to exceed 0.75 inch (19 mm) in depth at any point. The large lymph gland shall be exposed. A score into the butt tenderloin exceeding 0.5 inch (13 mm) is no